Lise Davidsen
07 Jan, 24
Voces del Real

José Miguel Pérez-Sierra, orchestra conductor | Orchestra of the Teatro Real
Arias by Verdi, Beethoven, Strauss and Wagner, among others
Lise Davidsen, soprano
José Miguel Pérez-Sierra, orchestra conductor
Orchestra of the Teatro Real
Part I
R. Verdi (1813 - 1901)
- Pace, pace mio Dio (La forza del destino)
- Morró, ma prima in grazia (Un ballo in maschera)
- Canción del salice y Ave Maria (Otello)
Part II
R. Strauss (1864 - 1949)
- Danza de los siete velos (Salomé)
- Ah! Du wolltest mich nicht deinen Mund küssen lassen (Salomé)
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